Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tonsil Time

What does every kid dream of doing their week long Christmas Break from school? If you guessed, get your tonsils're right! Jack got to enjoy 1 day of Christmas break, then the next morning, bright and early, we had all 3 boys at the surgery center for half the day. Mac and Ty did great snacking and playing iPads while they waited several hours in the lobby. Mom and Dad took turns going back with Jack before and after his surgery. He was very tough! We took away the pain killers after 2 days, because they were making him feel worse, rather then better. After day 4 he was pretty much back to normal...he just couldn't eat regular foods yet. Now he sleeps great, without those giant tonsils in the way!
His 1st Bites of Ice Cream, later that day.

Iowa Energy Basketball Game

12-18-2015. With free tickets from work, we had a special night at the Wells Fargo Arena. The boys got lots of fun treats...even blue cotton candy, that's why they keep showing me their tongues every time I try to take a picture~!

Christmas with HOI.

12-15-2015. The Boys met Santa and received some fabulous stockings. We spent the day at The Wasserbaun water park with the HOI crew.

Sioux Falls Chuck e Cheese

11-28-2015. We made the trek back to Sioux Falls for Thanksgiving. Out of the whole weekend filled with meals and family, these are the only pictures we took...the boys playing at the arcade. We always used to do such a good job when Jack was little, to get pictures with the grandparents. I am going to make it a goal to start taking pictures with the grandparents again, every visit.

Ty- The Salesmen.

11-17-2015. Ty was helping me take pictures of these bar chairs to sell...they are still for sale; as at the time I couldn't get the pictures to load.

Look Mom, no training wheels!!!

11-10-2015. Mac road his bike for the 1st time without training wheels!!! He was just a few months past 2! Mom and Dad had to help him start and stop because his feet couldn't reach the ground! I think Mac will be our All Star for sure.

Night Hike at Ledges State Park

11-1-2015. So this was right around the time change, so it got dark quick! Mom packed headlamps for everyone so we could see our way around on the trails. It was the first time we got to see the sun set at Ledges and it was awesome.

Bike Junkies.

10-15-2015. The boys love to ride their bikes, and on this day we had to up the anti. Mom made a small ramp out of some of our scrap wood laying around. Everyone had to go big or go home!

Snug as a Bug in a Rug.

9-28-2015. Mac is snuggled up in his new sheets. I have been looking for a sheet set for a toddler bed since Jack was little, now I finally fond them.

Jester Park Elk

10-13-2015 Another great day for a run through Jester. The boys stop to see the sights.

Potty Training!

9-22-2015 Mac was all done with potty training in 3-4 days. He did pretty good and I think the fastest of the 3 boys. He had asked me the week before to wear underwear, so the up coming week I didn't have to go to work, so Monday morning we started fresh. He was done before the weekend!

Granger Days 2015

9-19-2015 Granger Days is always a fun and tiring weekend! We start out at the pancake breakfast, then watch the parade, go to the kid fun zone and get face paintings and slushies, compete in a tractor pull, watch a dog trick show, eat more junk, walk around a bunch in the hot sun and try to keep track of 3 boys on a sugar high, then stay up extra late watching the fireworks! All while Mom and Dad were up late the night before, serving drinks in the freezing cold, rainy night at the beer tent.