Sunday, July 26, 2015

Iowa City Children's Musuem.

7-6-2015. It was time again for Ty to have another Iowa City check up, so I made the appointment first thing in the morning so mom and the boys could stop and play at the museum before the long drive home. The appointment ended up taking longer then it should have, but the boys still got a good 4 hours of playing at the museum in and ate a late lunch in the car ride back home. No one slept on the way, but everyone was ready for bed once we pulled in. We pacified the boys for an hour or two with some cartoons and then got everyone in the bath and ready for the night. It was a big day and lots of fun!

Happy 4th of July!

7-4-2015. Neil made a trip to Missouri, the week before the 4th, to gather an arsenal of fireworks. It was a real relaxed evening with the boys each getting several chances to shoot a few things off. The big hits were the Tank and the Spy Semi that had a spy car shoot out the back with it's own fireworks.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Safest Park, no such thing.

7-2-2015. On this day Mom took the boys to "The Safest Park in Iowa"; Miracle Park in Ankeny. It is an amazing park, with something for everyone. The boys were having a great time playing and then Ty tripped going up a rubber coated step, I am thankful that I actually saw it happen. He landed on his chin and bit down on his tongue. It was a beautiful day and the park was very busy. Several moms looked in horror as Ty turned to me with a mouth full of blood, as it drizzled onto the ground. I scooped him up and ran over to our stroller. I laid him flat and busted out the first aid kit I keep in my bag. I then asked a couple moms on a bench near us if they had any ice I could use, I had noticed their Jimmy Johns cups in their hands. One mom poured out her remaining drink so Ty could have the ice and then I gave Ty a syringe full of nasty medicine that helps wounds in his mouth not bleed so much. At that point I started to clean him up and realized that he had split open the bottom of his chin, with all of the blood I never saw it. So I super glued it and made him soak ice in his mouth for about 10 minutes. Then he was bandaged up and on his way playing again. The rest of the day I was charged up and tense. We weathered the storm but every storm leaves a mark! *** And to that mom that sacrificed her drink, Thank You! Without that gesture our trip to the park would have ended with a mom frantically gathering up her kids and rushing to a fast food/convenience store to get a cup of ice (I know from experience) and ruining a beautiful day for 3 little boys.

Big Creek Adventure.

6-30-2015 On this trip to Big Creek, Mom and the boys made it an adventure. First we got onto the Neil Smith Trail near mile long bridge. Jack rode his bike while Mom jogged with Mac and Ty in the trailer. Mac wasn't feeling great, so mom hoped some fresh warm air might help him out. We made it to Big Creek with no problems, just Jack asking the last couple miles "How long until we get to the park?" with every breath he took. Once we were there the boys played for hours. They ate the lunches I packed and then my lunch also! Then it was time to turn around and go back. I told Jack the trip back always goes faster then the trip there, and he didn't even complain. It ended up being a 13 mile trip total and Mom was spent! Jack on one hill even helped mom with a push. I don't need a gym membership, these boys are my personal trainers!

Lego Jack

6-27-2015. Jack has started to get into Legos. He likes it when there are direction books to follow and he puts pieces together step by step. It is good practice for him to use patience and if he follows directions things turn out they way they should. He recently entered a Lego contest at the library and won first place, in creativity. He really got serious for the competition and he was so proud of his accomplishment, it just pushed him and Ty further into the world of least for a week :-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sky Zone Fun Zone!

6-25-2015. All 3 boys were there, but Jack is apparently too old and cool to have his picture taken.

Days of Summer.

6-23-2015. Sometimes a trip to Burger King or eating a Juice Pop in the back of Dad's pick-up is all that is needed; to make it a fun special summer day.

Happy Birthday Mac!

Mac turned 2 today. We started Mac's big birthday day off with a trip to the Grimes Public Library as they had the perfect thing for Mac...Mighty Machines! The boys and I spent a full 2 hours getting in, honking, and investigating everything about these giants of the road.
Then we had a fun dinner at the boys's favorite Mexican restaurant. Mac really got into dipping his chips into the salsa and cheese dip.
6-26-2015. Then is was time for CAKE! Mac picked out a Puppy cake, of course. I think Puppy was his first word and it is absolutely the word he says most often. My baby is growing up!!!