Friday, March 21, 2014

Jack & Ty's Christmas Tree.

This tree was decorated by Jack and Ty. They decorated the tree with all of their dads ornaments from when he was a boy and all the ornaments they have made themselves in the last four years.

Mac's 1st Christmas.

Rezac Christmas Day 2013.

What a beautiful Christmas day. Batman and Superman (AKA: Ty and Jack) woke to all the wonderful things Santa and mom and dad gave them for being so good this year. Mac even enjoyed one gift so much that he sat upright on his own for almost 20 minutes playing with it, that was a milestone for him. The big gift from Santa this year was a light table with Magna Tiles and Widgets to go with it. The boys played with it everyday for at least 2 weeks and they still get into building and creating with it every so often. I am so happy and thankful to have a loving husband and three awesome boys to share this magical holiday with.

Christmas at the Rezac's 2013.

So I have been working hard to find a work around; this whole problem with Blogger no longer being compatable with Picasa. I might have found it. If so, then I will hopefully have time to soon post pictures off of my camera, not my phone. I have not yet added pictures of Christmas day and so on from my camera and it is almost April!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainbow play date.

Mom and the boys needed to get some energy out, so we headed to Rainbow. The boys played hard and had a picnic lunch indoors.