Boy o' boy. Jack is now a football player! Dad and Jack had their first day of practice for flag football. This next practice mom will get to try her hand at football because dad will be in California for work :-(
You can't tell by looking at him, but Ty really likes going for a hike. Ty hollers at me if I stop for too long. He mostly just looks all around the whole time, I think he also enjoys the fresh air. (Not Jack...he had horrible allergies after this hike.)
Jack collected all kinds of "discoveries" on our hike. We later came home and made picture frames with sticks, bark, acorns and many other things.
Ty has almost always done a good job sleeping through the night. On this morning he was sleeping so well that we had to wake him around 9am...that never normally happens! And yes, he always wakes up that happy.
The weather was wonderful and the whole family had a wonderful time. This was actually Ty's first time on a boat, he is already a lake rat. Thank you Donna and Gary for your gracious hospitality.