Friday, October 22, 2010

Staying warm.

H2O fan.

We have concluded that Jack does not like the taste of milk or juice. He now only drinks water from his sippy cup. At night he gets a 4 oz. bottle of Pediasure before bed.

Jack on the potty.

We started teaching Jack the basics to potty training at 15 months. Somedays are better then others...but our goal is to be fully potty trained by 18 months.

Jester Lakes Community gathering.

A bunch of people in our neighborhood got together and grilled out. We were lucky to have such great weather this late in October.

Jack & Dad winterizing the boat.

Boy, it gets dark early now! So now Jack goes to bed early(7:30/8:00) and gets up late(7:30/8:00)...yay for mom!

Cowboy Jack.

Jack reading in his chair.